Soil Management
Proper soil management helps the soil establish and maintain the balance of a diverse microbiology. The right methods protect the soil from erosion, increase the productivity and amount of humus (organic matter), promote biodiversity, and protect Earth’s forests. This takes place by removing, bonding, and storing atmospheric carbon dioxide (CO2) as organic carbon.

The Treatment
Most of the soils lose a large amount of humus and microorganisms over time. Therefore, in most cases, the first step of proper soil management is an initial treatment to make soils healthier. For this purpose, it is worthwhile to apply the two principles of compost and biochar. Combining biochar or stone powder with compost is a very effective way to increase soil fertility more quickly. This also minimizes the escape of nutrients like carbon and nitrogen into the atmosphere.
Soil Management Correctly Done
Soil management can both improve and harm the soil if the correct measure is not taken. After the soil has been enhanced with compost and biochar, and a healthy habitat of microorganisms has been established, the key is to maintain this balance, not disturb it, and most importantly, not remove it. For example, regular and deep plowing destroys habitats and the work of microorganisms. Best practices and management practices that are ancient components of agricultural crops around the world are to be considered. These include:
- Permanent greening of the field
- Reducing (extreme) plowing
- Varied crop rotation, integrating perennial grasses + legumes
- Reducing chemical use
- Reducing the use of fungicides, herbicides, and pesticides as well as insecticides