We dig it!

Climate protection starts with soils! We achieve greater climate resilience, climate protection, and sustainable food production by improving soil quality.

... with Google

We are part of the Google Startups for Sustainable Development program! This is a great opportunity for us to expand and professionalize our work! Stay tuned!


The whole world benefits from better soils!

The global impact potential is enormous.

> 0 million farms worldwide (FAO, 2014)
~ 0 billion people are employed in agriculture (2021)
> 0 % of our food is grown in soils
0 million people suffer from hunger (2019)

betterSoil works on mindset change but also on putting modern scientific knowledge into good practice combining it with millions old science we call indigenous knowledge. This is a great example of inter-generational collaboration to shape a future for the generations to come where all will have life in abundance on a healthy planet.

Dr. Mamphela Ramphele

Physician and Co-President of the Club of Rome


Fertile soils, species-rich forests and organic buildings are the magic triangle for a better world! Better soils grow better food, sustainably used forests promote biodiversity, and new opportunities for value creation arise for the local population. That is why my initiative Bauhaus der Erde and betterSoil are working together.

Prof. Dr. Hans Joachim (John) Schellnhuber

Founder of the Potsdam Institute for Climate Impact Research (PIK) and Initiator of Bauhaus der Erde gGmbH

Prof. Dr. Hans Joachim Schellnhuber; Foto: Bauhaus der Erde/Mercator

The "betterSoil" initiative comes at the right time! Our heartfelt thanks therefore go to Azadeh Farajpour and her team. It is good that the quality of soils is being discussed more intensively again, because the conventional large-scale type of agriculture with a lot of agrochemicals has made many soils weak. Soils play an outstanding role in the preservation of biodiversity, especially by paying attention to the often forgotten natural communities of soils.

Prof. Dr. Ernst Ulrich von Weizsäcker

Former member of the German Bundestag and Honorary President of the Club of Rome

Foto: Vereinigung Deutscher Wissenschaftler

International teams